Dan Ling Dan Ling

Photo Trip #1: Comet Neowise

I just finished my first Photo Trip article, detailing my two attempts to photograph Comet Neowise during July, 2021. It’s my hope to write many of these short articles about my photo trips to local spots. I hope it adds interest to the images to know more about the process of making them.

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Dan Ling Dan Ling

Photography, Kodachrome, drive failures and analog synth stuff …

I haven’t done any landscape photography at all this winter, which is unfortunate as winter is probably my favorite season for it. My disabilities have restricted me to focusing on other projects - I can’t do it all. What I’m currently doing is slowly working my way through my old set of Kodachrome slides and photographing them. I’ve been working on that for two weeks and so far have completed only one tray. I work extremely slowly. Also, my photo drive has now failed, and I need to get a new one before I can edit any of the slides. I plan to post a detailed article about that project in the future, along with images of course.

For the time being, the update on Jan Hammer Analog Years will be on the back burner. Once I get around to working on that again, that article will include descriptions of analog “patch “ settings as well as patches for download, likely for U-He DIVA, and perhaps a few other synths like the original Native Instruments Massive or U-He ACE. Please stay tuned.

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Dan Ling Dan Ling

Photos and Music

I finally have an updated Portfolio of photos, though there’s a still a lot to do on it. I will update that periodically, but even more fun would be to post blogs about trips, and post the images from those. We’ll see.

Most of my photographs are insanely high resolution. Here at home, I can print anything up to 13’ x 19”. This smallish size is fine for images where detail isn’t that important. But images that thrive on detail like the larger sizes. High-res prints made from them would range from about 3 feet wide up to 8 or more feet wide (like with the panoramas). The bigger stuff I would have to send it out to some place like Bay Photo or Whitewall. But a 4-foot high-res print is a very cool thing to behold. If you like one of my images and might be interested in making a large print, let me know!

The music pages now have a short history of my music there called My Recording History, and more should be added to that at some point. I also have uploaded links to quite a lot of music and soundtracks that either have never appeared anywhere or not in a long time, particularly game music, but also the original tunes from the complete Late Night Report album. Some of the game music is very much music, and some of it is just soundtrack background stuff (and some is sound effects). The most recent pieces are from the game Ice Age 3 / 24, but there are quite a few interesting pieces from the older Dracula’s Return. Check it out!

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Dan Ling Dan Ling


There were two primary reasons I decided to start over with the latest Squarespace software (v. 7.1). Firstly, I wanted to give visitors the chance to comment on things as much as possible. You’ll find that you can comment on nearly every page and every post I make now! Second, I needed to have complete control (or as much as possible) over surveillance of visitors. This site does NOT collect information from you as you visit, nor does it put any cookies on your computer other than the bare basic ones needed for the site’s most fundamental operation. You can read more about privacy on the About | Privacy page. Most other Squarespace sites do collect boatloads of data as you visit, but not this site.

Apologies Dept.: when migrating the old site over, I was unable to bring over comments. I did manage to snag the long section under Jan Hammer’s DX Patches as text, and it appears at the end of that blog post. I hope never to have to do that again.

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Dan Ling Dan Ling

Patience is a virtue

Not that I would know!

Thanks for bearing with me on my latest website adventure … you’d think I’d have this stuff all figured out after 24 years of making websites (since 1997) but … apparently not. It will be at least a few more weeks to iron out the kinks, before I introduce more content - and new kinks. Kinky!

Bit o’ nostalgia for the old folks: my domain, danling.com, was founded in November 1998, as was google.com.

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Dan Ling Dan Ling

Welcome Back!

I finally got around to re-vamping the site. I had to switch to the latest version of the Squarespace software in order to fix stuff, and that required a total re-build from the ground up. So this is just the beginning … of a new beginning? Stay tuned as there should be new blog and photo content coming, and eventually new music.

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